Divorce is a traumatizing life event that can set you back emotionally and financially if you let it. Along the way are pitfalls that can make the entire ordeal worse than it has to be. But these tips for getting through a divorce will help to make the process a little easier.
Don't Try to Represent Yourself in a Divorce
The right lawyer will advocate for you and your kids in the courtroom and on legal filings. It's usually a mistake to try to represent yourself, especially if your spouse has hired legal representation. The right divorce lawyer will be able to make the whole divorce process much easier for all concerned.
Live Your Life
It's important to stay in contact with your tennis buddies, the card game group, your colleagues, and others that you usually hang out with. These are the times when you need friends the most. It may be tempting to hide out at home and isolate yourself from the world, but that path usually leads to unhealthy places, like depression, overeating, alcoholism, and more. As soon as you're able, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and join the land of the living.
Realize That Divorce Can Happen To Anyone
There are so many reasons that divorce happens that it's impossible to list them all. But realize that divorce can happen when you least expect it. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. You're not unlovable, impossible to live with or a horrible person. Your marriage may not have worked out, but that doesn't mean that you didn't work out. Don't internalize the divorce to mean there's something wrong with you.
Keep Spending To A Minimum
The expense of divorce is something that most people haven't budgeted for. There is the extra gas for trips involving visitation rights and lawyer appointments. You'll be taking time off of work for court hearings or other meetings. This is the time to cut back on the extras and save up discretionary income as a fund for needed expenses pertaining to the divorce.
Keep Your Appointments
It is tempting to "make a statement" with your absence from opposing lawyer appointments or even court hearings. This is not smart behavior as it can be construed as indifference or antagonistic behavior. It will only serve to harm your case.
These tips for getting through a divorce will help to protect you on an emotional level, a legal level, and a financial level.